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dc.contributorWyld, James-
dc.coverage.spatialBaiona - Laburdi-
dc.descriptionEscala en millas inglesas. Leyenda. Tit. de la cub. : Movements of the British Army during the war, from 1808 to 1814 [Movimientos del Ejército Británico durante la guerra, de 1808 a 1814].es
dc.descriptionEskala milia ingelesetan. Legenda. Azaleko titulua: : Movements of the British Army during the war, from 1808 to 1814. [Gudaroste Ingelesaren mugimenduak gerran zehar, 1808 eta 1814 bitartean].eu
dc.descriptionScale in English miles. Caption. Cover title: Movements of the British Army during the war, from 1808 to 1814.en
dc.descriptionEchelle en milles anglais. Légende. Titre de la couv. : Movements of the British Army during the war, from 1808 to 1814. [Mouvements de l¿armée britannique pendant la guerre, de 1808 à 1814].fr
dc.format.extent1 mapa de 70 x 106 cm en h. de 71 x 110 cmes
dc.format.extentMapa, 70 x 106 cm-koa, 71 x 110 cm-ko
dc.format.extent1 70 x 106 cm map on a 71 x 110 cm pageen
dc.format.extent1 carte de 70 x 106 cm en h. de 71 x 110 cmfr
dc.publisherDay & Haghe lith[]rs to the Queen, [S.L.]es
dc.publisherDay & Haghe lith[]rs to the Queen, [S.L.]eu
dc.publisherDay & Haghe lith[]rs to the Queen, [S.L.]en
dc.publisherDay & Haghe lith[]rs to the Queen, [S.L.]fr
dc.relation.ispartofMaps & Plans, showing the principal movements, battles & sieges, in witch the British Army was engaged during the war from 1808 to 1814 in the Spanish Peninsula and the south of France-
dc.sourceMuseo Zumalakarregi Museoaes
dc.sourceMuseo Zumalakarregi Museoaeu
dc.sourceMuseo Zumalakarregi Museoaen
dc.sourceMuseo Zumalakarregi Museoafr
dc.subjectHistoria-Guerras-Guerra de la Independencia (1808-1814)es
dc.subjectHistoria-Gerrak-Frantsesada (1808-1814)eu
dc.subjectHistory-Wars-Peninsular War (1808-1814)en
dc.subjectHistoire-Guerres-Guerre d'Indépendance (1808-1814)fr
dc.titleDibujo ilustrativo de las operaciones realizadas en la zona de Baiona durante el invierno de 1813: contra la división ligera, el 10 de diciembre en Arrangoitze: contra los soldados que formaban el extremo izquierdo del ejército aliado bajo las órdenes de sir John Hope los días 10 y 12 del mes [¿]es
dc.title1813ko neguan Baionako ingurumarietan egindako operazioak agertzen dituen marrazkia: dibisio arinaren aurka, abenduaren 10ean Arrangoitzen; sir John Hoperen gidaritzapean armada aliatuaren ezker muturra osatzen zuten soldaduen aurka hilaren 10 eta 12an]eu
dc.titleSketch illustrative of the operations in the vicinity of Bayonne during the winter of 1813 : against the light division at the village of Arcangues in the 10th. of Dec[]r : against the troops composing the extreme left of the allied army under sir John Hope on the 10th. And 12th. [...]en
dc.titleSketch illustrative of the operations in the vicinity of Bayonne during the winter of 1813 : against the light division at the village of Arcangues in the 10th. of dec[]r : against the troops composing the extreme left of the allied army under sir John Hope on the 10th. and 12th [...]fr
dc.typeImage - GRABADOes
dc.typeImage - GRABATUAeu
dc.typeImage - ENGRAVINGen
dc.typeImage - GRAVUREfr
ESE.dataProviderDiputación Foral de Gipuzkoa - Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia-
ESE.providerDiputación Foral de Gipuzkoa - Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia-
izfe.coleccionCarteles, dibujos y grabadoses
izfe.coleccionKartelak, marrazkiak eta grabatuakeu
izfe.coleccionPosters, drawings and printsen
izfe.coleccionAffiches, dessins et estampesfr
Appears in Collections:Prints XIX century album

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