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Title: Attack and defence of Portugalete: general view of the town and of the fire in the new district
Publisher: Imprenta de T. Fortanet, Madrid
Description: 8th of February 1874 edition. Editor and director of the publication, Abelardo de Cárlos. Autographed. "...on the 22nd of January the important town of Portugalete surrendered to the Carlist troops of the so-called General Dorregaray, after a siege and horrific bombardment lasting twenty days". Don Amos Quijada y Múñiz was in command of the defence of Portugalete
Physical description: 1 12 x 23 cm engraving on a 41 x 28 cm page
Issue Date: 1874
Publication: Koldo Mitxelena Kulturunea
Appears in Collections:Prints XIX century album

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