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Title: Vergara - Solemn Te Deum in St Pete.'s church, on the arrival of H.M. the King, on the 19th of this month
Publisher: Imprenta de T. Fortanet, Madrid
Description: 29th of February 1876 edition. Editor and owner of the publication, Abelardo de Cárlos. Sketch submitted by Pellicer. Autographed. "Solemn act held to celebrate the Te Deum, in the parish church of Vergara, on the 20th of this month, in thanksgiving to God for the timely arrival of HM the King [...] and for the [...] victories achieved on the days immediately prior to this [Elgeta & Bera
Physical description: 1 21 x 22 cm engraving on a 41 x 28 cm page
Issue Date: 1876
Publication: Koldo Mitxelena Kulturunea
Appears in Collections:Prints XIX century album

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