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Title: Fernando Alvisu, a priest from Elorriaga (Vitoria), a distinguished gardener
Publisher: Establecimiento tipografico "Sucesores de Rivadeneyra", Madrid
Description: 15th of January 1883 edition. Autographed. It iIlustrates the article "Vitoria, la culta, y el cura de Elorriaga" by Miguel Rodriguez Ferrer. "He was born in Aranarache (Navarre) on the 25th of April 1807, and broke off his studies from 1823 to 24,..., taking them up again later at the universities of Irache, Zaragoza and Pamplona".
Physical description: 1 13 x 9 cm engraving on a 40 x 28 cm page
Issue Date: 1883
Publication: Koldo Mitxelena Kulturunea
Appears in Collections:Prints XIX century album

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