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Title: Bilbao: explosion of a boiler on the merchant steamer "Pelayo", on the 28th of June this year
Publisher: Establecimiento tipografico "Sucesores de Rivadeneyra", Madrid
Description: 8th of July 1888 edition. Autographed. (From a sketch from life). "The merchant steamer Pelayo, which sailed periodically from Bilbao to Santander and back, commanded by captain José Benguria...the steamer was preparing to set sail from La Sendeja wharf [...], when having made sternway and just as the stoker was turning the valve, one of the boilers blew up".
Physical description: 1 15 x 23 cm engraving on a 40 x 28 cm page
Issue Date: 1888
Publication: Koldo Mitxelena Kulturunea
Appears in Collections:Prints XIX century album

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